Elementary School Introduction:


Kindergarten students engage in an aggressive reading program that has all students reading by mid year. The language and phonics curriculum is Sadlier Phonics. Kindergarten uses guided reading and utilizes Leveled Readers.  Students are able to progress at their own levels. Teachers evaluate students using the Diagnostic Reading Assessment.

Students write in writing and math journals as well as addition, subtraction, reading and creative writing. Students also enjoy enrichment programs including: art, music, Spanish, computers and physical education.

All students participate in Chapel on Wednesdays. Here children are introduced to Bible stories to help educate them spiritually. 

Grades 1 -5:

These are the grades where our students begin to distance themselves from their public school counterparts. Our curriculum provides students with a solid foundation in reading, writing and math; continuing to build on that foundation each successive year. The curriculum employs Sadlier Phonics, Sitton Spelling and utilizes Writers Workshop across the curriculum.  Saxon Math with students working one grade level above, Harcourt Science, Harcourt Social Studies, We also offer the supplemental Accelerated Reader program, where students take comprehension tests on the A.R. Book they have read. Currently, we have over 2,250 titles available in this program. Elementary/Middle School students also enjoy enrichment programs including: art, music, guitar, Spanish, computers and physical education.

All students participate in Chapel on Wednesdays.

Students in grades 1-5 participate in Science Fair and conduct labs in our science lab classroom.


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