6/7th grade Girls team
6/7th grade Boys team
8th grade Girls team
8th grade Boys team
St. Mark’s participates in the Southwest Christian Athletic Association. League members include private Christian schools from around the El Paso region. St. Mark’s has been a leader in the Association and is proud of the commitment, teamwork and tenacity shown by our teams on the field and court. Our soccer curriculum is based on age appropriate expectations. We teach skills needed for success and develop the knowledge and understanding of soccer. We support and collaborate with our coaches as well as support student academic expectations, responsibilities, and achievements. Soccer helps kids stay fit and healthy and is great exercise that improves cardiovascular health, increases coordination, improves strength and enhances flexibility. Soccer encourages teamwork by team members working together to score points to win. Athletes that work well with their team receive valuable opportunities to interact socially with friends and acquaintances. Soccer encourages sportsmanship and how to work well with others.
Contact Athletic Coordinator Miguel Higgs for information about joining or coaching a team.
Elementary School & Middle School

Address: 5005 Love Rd, El Paso, TX 79922
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Phone: (915) 581-2032

Address: 5257 Charl Ann, El Paso, TX 79932
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Phone: (915) 875-8285