What to expect in Fifth Grade
The goal for fifth grade students at St. Mark’s School is to become independent problem solvers while continuing to gain knowledge in all academic areas.
Chapel is once a week. Twice weekly, students attend Spanish classes where emphasis is placed on grammar, vocabulary development and the spoken language.
In music the students perform vocally while learning pitch, tempo and other aspects of music theory.
Students visit the library regularly, and participate in computer class once a week.
Students also have art class every week and P.E. daily.
In math, students cover all the skills in Envision Math. In preparation for middle school problem solving, emphasis on problem solving continues, applying the necessary mathematical tools and techniques to real-life situations through word problems. Students will also use Everyday Math and other curriculum to supplement the Envision Math book.
In reading, novel studies help students build upon strategies which develop good, independent readers. Outside reading is encouraged through book reports. Students engage in critical thinking and reflection through discussion, written expression and artistic response. As a class, students may read novels such as Racing in the Rain, Hatchet, The Mighty Miss Malone, Number the Stars, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, and Esperanza Rising.
In Language Arts, students learn grammar skills such as classification of sentences, parts of speech, sentence structure and vocabulary. In addition, students will use the writing process to compose narratives, descriptive papers, “how to” papers, persuasive papers, research papers, and write daily in journals.
Sitton Spelling helps us bring together unique elements which enable students to master spelling, language, and word skills. Students practice these skills through spelling tests. These important skills strengthen the students’ word knowledge to help them to become better writers.
Our Harcourt social studies program includes study of Native Americans, exploration of the New World, colonization, the War for Independence, the Industrial Revolution and westward expansion. Students learn about branches of the government and their roles. Students also work on map skills and geography
Our technological skills soar when students use PowerPoint and the internet for research.
In science, students study life science and ecology, physical science, earth science and basic health and nutrition. Students participate in the annual Science Fair and put to use our knowledge of the Scientific Method. Lab experiments are part of the Science curriculum.
Our exciting field trips and projects may include: Visiting the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Museum, Behind the Scenes at the Chihuahua’s Baseball team and visiting local businesses.
Elementary School & Middle School

Address: 5005 Love Rd, El Paso, TX 79922
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Phone: (915) 581-2032

Address: 5257 Charl Ann, El Paso, TX 79932
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Phone: (915) 875-8285